Articles on: Offers

Why did I not receive coins for completing my offer?

If you find that you haven't been credited for completing an offer, please consider the following steps:

1. Wait for 72 Hours: Before taking any action, make sure at least 72 hours have passed since you completed the offer. Sometimes, crediting can experience delays on the offer provider's end, and a little patience may be all that's needed.

2. Possible Disqualification: It's possible that the survey provider disqualified you during the survey. While this shouldn't occur frequently, it can happen.

3. Task Creation Errors: Some offers may have been created incorrectly, which can impact payment. Offers with errors will either be promptly adjusted or removed from the platform.

4. Delayed Payouts: In some cases, the payouts might be delayed. Check your transaction history and wait a few minutes, if necessary, to allow the credits to appear in your account.

5. Contact the Support Team: If none of the above resolves the issue and you still haven't received any coins, please don't hesitate to contact the support team of the offer wall associated with the specific offer. They can provide further assistance and insights to ensure you receive the credits you deserve.

By following these steps and considering the possible reasons for delayed credits, you can streamline the resolution process and ensure you receive the rewards you've earned on EarnLab. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work to address any issues you may encounter with offer crediting.

Updated on: 18/04/2024

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