Articles on: Offers

Why is my offer "On Hold"?

At, we understand the importance of clarity when it comes to offers that are on hold. In this guide, we aim to provide a straightforward explanation of why certain offers may be placed on hold and when you can anticipate their completion and crediting.

1. Why Are Offers On Hold?

Have you ever completed an offer but didn't see the rewards right away? Don't worry! It's not because you did something wrong. It's just a way to ensure everything is in order. Our system automatically holds certain tasks according to various indicators, such as account standing, offer chargeback risk, and value of the task. These offers remain on hold based on how often people have had issues with them in the past.

2. Submit Proof of Execution

Remember, you can always submit proof of correct execution in our live support, and we can release your hold. This option is available to help you resolve holds promptly and continue enjoying your rewards.

3. What Are Chargebacks?

Sometimes, the companies behind the offers believe that something went wrong when people completed them. This situation is referred to as a "chargeback." It can occur if someone attempts to cheat or engages in dishonest behavior. To protect the EarnLab community, these offers remain on hold until everything is resolved.

4. Need Help? Ask Support

If your offers are still on hold even after the expected release date has passed, it's a good idea to reach out to EarnLab's support team. They're here to help you with any questions or concerns.

5. What's Next?

Once your offer is completed, just sit back and wait for the payment. You can also continue earning by trying more offers while you wait.

By understanding offers on hold, you can navigate with confidence, ensuring you make the most of your online rewards experience.

Updated on: 18/04/2024

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